Are Reports of Printing’s Death Greatly Exaggerated?

Are Reports of Printing’s Death Greatly Exaggerated?

lawrenceb / 2 March 2015

Can a Printing Company Survive in the Digital Age?

The consulting giant Deloitte recently released a report predicting the future of print media in 2015. Based on historical data and market trends, their key takeaway was:

Prediction: Print is Far from Dead

Deloitte's report focused on books, stating that physical books would continue to dominate the market in 2015, outselling e-books by a factor of five.

This highlights that while digital media is gaining traction, print still holds a strong position. The primary reason many readers prefer physical books is the sensory experience—the smell of paper, the feel of pages, and the visual appeal of full bookshelves.

Print Media is Still Relevant

This preference isn’t limited to books. It extends to all forms of print media, including business cards, flyers, and letterheads.

Business Cards, Flyers, and Letterheads Are Here to Stay

Despite the rise of digital communication, printed materials remain an essential part of professional business interactions. They add a touch of elegance and credibility that digital alternatives struggle to replicate.

Final Thoughts

The reports of print’s death are greatly exaggerated. Print media remains strong and will continue to be relevant for years to come.

And who knows… maybe one day those business cards will become collector’s items!